Friday 1 April 2011

Evaluation Questions 4

Evaluation Question 4: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Research = 1. Google + 2. Youtube
Blog = 3. Blogger
Equipment = 4. Camera, video camera, Tripods
Software = 5. Adobe photoshop and 6. Corel Video Studio 12


1. Google - Google is a search engine that came into mainstream use in 1998. It allows you to search anything you wish and get the results in less than a second. I used Google to research practically everything; genre, teaser trailers, images, posters and film magazines. If I needed to search anything I used Google because it is the best and most user friendly search engine around.

2. Youtube - Youtube is a place where you are able to view videos of almost any content and upload your own to been seen by anyone or select friends. I mostly used youtube to search action thriller trailers and embed the links into my blog. I also uploaded a view of my videos to youtube that were to big to upload directly to my blog. I also made my teaser trailer viewable for comment by anyone.

3. Blogger - Blogger allowed me document all of my work on the Internet to bee seen by anyone. It has allowed me to document my creative process and all the changes + Problems I ran into. It allows you to easily blog your thoughts and increment both video clips and pictures. You can also embed any links to any site within blogger.

4.For the camera I used my schools media departments Cannon SLR EOS 40D camera, this allowed me to take high resolution photos that I could edit later. I learnt how to use the manual focus in order to achieve different shot variations. I also improved my knowledge of the various types of camera angles you can use and the importance of using a good tripod to ensure that you always have steady crisp photos no matter how you manipulate the camera. This goes for the video camera as well. For the video camera I used my schools media department's HD recorder which was a Panosonic HDC-SD5. I learnt skills like how to focus properly and maintain the focus even in low light conditions and how using manual focus can provide special effects like ghost trailing.

5. Adobe Photoshop CS5: I used Adobe Photoshop to create my film magazine front cover and poster. I have been using Photoshop for several years now so I didn't really learn anything new this time round, I was just using skills I had already. I 'am a self proclaimed expert when it comes to photoshop and often help other in my class with any difficulties they encounter.

6. Corel Video Studio 12/ Pro X2 - This is the video editing software that my schools Media department uses as it is a very expensive piece of software. At first I found it difficult to grab a full understand of how to fully use the software but i quickly learnt all the functions it had to offer and it allowed me to create my teaser trailer. I had originally wanted to use Sony Vegas Pro but could not afford the software. It would have allowed me to edit in explosions and particle effects as well as other special effects. With Corel I learnt how to manipulate clips, cut them down, speed them up and even integrate two clips together. I also practiced using sound tracks and effects as well as advanced caption display methods.

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