Wednesday 20 April 2011


This is a blog to help me publish my ideas and work for my A-level Media Studies Coursework. For my A2 task I have decided to create a teaser film trailer, with a poster and magazine front cover to advertise the film. When i was deciding on what genre to do my film around i realised that most A2 students go for some form of horror film. Wanting to branch off and be different I decided to go with creating an Action Thriller film. This of course was going to be a problem considering I wouldn't be able to incorporate any explosion, firefights or car chases into the trailer. That's why i decided to do an action thriller so that I could have a trailer that meets the conventions without any expense effects.

Once i decided upon the genre I was going to do I needed to start thinking about the plot of the film. I will say that I was inspired by the Bourne Films. I wanted to create a story around the theme of a highly skilled agent who is betrayed by the company he works for when they try to kill him after a high profile assination. He survives the attack and comes back for revenge killing all those who work for his previous employers. I came to this conclusion after doing some research into what films have already been created in the Action and Action Thriller genres. I searched the Internet not only for inspiration for the genre but to try and find some inspiration for the story as a whole before i settled on my final idea which I stated before.

Target Audience
I then started to consider who my target audience might be. I looked at who the typical audience were for Action and Action thriller type films. The typical audience would seem to be any one form age 15 upwards. As a result I need to make sure the film rating doesn't exceed 15 to allow that age group to be able to watch it. The target audience audience for the poster and magazine front cover will be the same.

Once I had a concept idea for the story the next step was to create a story board. This can be anything from a complex diagram to some drawings on a piece of paper. Its important to create a storyboard because it gives you a guideline and an idea of what shots you are going to take for the film, that's the norm. Despite what I just said I am not going to be including my storyboard in this blog, the reason being because its so radically different from what I actually ended up doing. The reasons why will be explained as you read on.

--Very Important note--
I created all aspects of the project on my Laptop computer and I didn't always have access to the Internet and therefore Blogger. As a result of not being able to post every day I created a blog book. I then wrote down everything along with my thought process in my Blog book as I progressed through my project. This blog is a typed up version of all my notes from my blog book documenting my creative progress and thought process complete with images and video clips. That why it may appear that my entire blog was posted in two or three days.

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