Friday 1 April 2011

Evaluation Questions 1

Evaluation Questions 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Frame 1: This is the first shot of the teaser trailer and immediately gives the audience a powerful image. A man on top of a hill look out to a large mountain range. Hes in a grand hostile looking environment. This is a scene not uncommon in both action films and action thriller films. You will often see the opening shot be taken in some amazing location with protagonist doing something spectacular. NOT all films have this kind of opening but a good amount do. In that regard I have followed the conventions of some action thriller teasers, I set the bar high for the rest of the teaser trailer to follow.

Frame 2: The second frame is a caption that gives away a glimpse at the story or rather who this guy is. Hes a hitman a concept not uncommon in action films but hardly ever used as the main focus. By making this statement I had to make sure that the character I was portraying did in fact look and act like a hitman or assassin. I did this by always giving him both a professional look and mannerisms. Hes a lethal killing machine who sole purpose is to eliminate targets. but then he decided to take a more personal path of revenge.

Frame 3: Adding to what I said about frame 2, this frame shows an image of the FIXER in the middle of a job. Hes dressed in what could be roughly describe as ninja gear, hes not there to make friends and have tea. This costume set up is often seen in action films where you find professional hitmen or other stealth operatives.

Frame 4: Similar to frame one this frame shows another epic style shot often found in action thriller films. People who watch action thriller films will be expecting to see shots in amazing locations. This shot of the FIXER running across the sand into the sunset with downtown Dubai in the distance provides a powerful image that also gives a sense of place.

Frame 5: Frame 5 is the caption that reads, "He wants Revenge." I am sure you will have seen several action thriller films centred around the plot idea of revenge. Its a powerful motive that excels an individual to do anything to get revenge against someone. One way I have strayed from the normal themes of revenge is that I have added the notion hat a trained hitman who works for the government has been betrayed by the people who he works for when they tried to kill him. As a result he goes on a personal hunt to find and kill his former employees. This sort of narrative has only really been done in the Jason Bourne films.

Frame 6: In this frame we again see another epic shot commonly seen in action thriller films. In this shot we see the FIXER walking towards a large building with a spotlight shining in the shot allowing use to see him in a black coat, pistol in hand and the hot breathe in the cold air. Its a powerful image and the connotations are that this man is going into that building to cause chaos and pure violence.

Frame 7: In this frame we see a blurred image of the FIXER. You never really see the ghost blurring effect in most action thriller films. So I have gone against the normal conventions by adding this. I used it as a powerful image that gives the connotations that this man is so effective at what he does hes like a ghost when he enters an area. He gets in and does the job without anyone knowing he was there.

Frame 8: Frame 8 shows the caption stating when the film will roughly be coming. Almost every single trailer will have a caption giving some sort of indication as to when the film will likely be coming out, this can be anything from an exact date to a year.

Frame 9: Frame 9 shows the title of my film 'The FIXER' its one of the key parts of the teaser trailer simply because its what the film is called. Its what centres the teaser trailer and both ancillary texts together. Every single teaser trailer or any media product for that matter will always have a title that the film can be associated to and easily recognised.

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