Thursday 31 March 2011


At the very start of my project I had decided to do something different. I wanted to go somewhere to film my trailer where no one else would likely go. Most media studies students will end up filming there trailer either at school, home or somewhere local. If we are honest most professional films are never filmed in these locations, at least not in the action thriller genre. In class an idea came to me. I was going to split my teaser trailer into two parts. 1 part being filmed at my school (I am a border so no real choice there) and in Dubai. Yes as in the Middle East. My main actor and protagonist for my film was going to be my best friend Stuart. I approached him one night an discussed the idea of flying to Dubai to film half of my trailer, we would stay at my parents house. He loved the idea so we booked the tickets for the Lent half term break. When we came back after the break I had several dozen clips to choose from. I filmed the second half of my trailer at my school which presented several challenges. I had to choose shooting location that would show that it was a school otherwise my teaser would just look unprofessional. In later posts I will go into further detail about my filming experiences for both of these two shooting locations (It's technically three but I will go into more detail).

So what is a teaser trailer?
A teaser trailer (or just teaser) is a short trailer used to advertise an upcoming film, television program, video game etc. They are usually released long in advance of the product, so as to "tease" the audience

Teasers are also commonly used in advertising. The so called teaser ad or teaser campaign typically consists of a series of small, cryptic, challenging advertisement which anticipate a larger, full-blown campaign for a product launch or otherwise important event.
(Before you jump the gun, yes that was copied and pasted from a wikipedia definition)

Film teaser trailers unlike other teaser trailers are usually very short in length (between 30-60 seconds) and usually contain little, if any, actual footage from the film. Their main goal is to give audience a small taste of what is to come to get them interested and talking about the film, 'tease' them as it were.

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