Thursday 31 March 2011

Creating Panther Studios Logo

Most people for there A2 coursework just use an exsisting publisher that hasnt actual pubslished any of there work. So I decided to be orgional and create my own film production company. I asked my friend who does graphic design to create me two graphics that depicted animals. He gave me one comical looking beaver and a drawing of a panther. When Iooked at both these graphics two names popped into my head. Beaver Productions (image below) and Panther Studios. I opted to go for the less comedic version Panther Studios.

When Iooked at both these graphics two names popped into my head. Beaver Productions and Panther Studios. I opted to go for the less comedic version Panther Studios. I started by creating a blank page in Adobe photoshop and transfering the Panther drawing across. I then added the text Panther Studios in bold font Palatino Linotype. I then added a tiny bit of drop shadow and some bevel and emboss to give it that 3D effect. I decided to use the gradient tool using colours white and black to give it that two toned look fading from white (at top) to black (at bottom)

Below is the finished product of my Panther Studios Logo

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